
MESSAGES – Podcast and Video
Week 1: A Christian’s Character: The Beatitudes
Week 2: A Christian’s Influence: Salt and Light
Week 3: A Christian’s Righteousness: Jesus and the Law
Week 4: On Murder and Anger
Week 5: On Adultery and Lust
Week 6: Telling the Truth
Week 7: Non-retaliation
Week 8: Active Love
Week 9: Spiritual Disciplines
Week 10: How to Pray
Week 11: God and Possessions
Week 12: Worry and Anxiety
Week 13: Judging Others
Week 14: Ask, Seek, Knock
Week 15: Entering the Kingdom of God
Week 16: The Two Foundations

Week 1: A Christian’s Character: The Beatitudes

Week 9: Spiritual Disciplines

Week 2: A Christian’s Influence: Salt and Light

Week 10: How to Pray

Week 3: A Christian’s Righteousness: Jesus and the Law

Week 11: God and Possessions

Week 4: On Murder and Anger

Week 12: Worry and Anxiety

Week 5: On Adultery and Lust

Week 13: Judging Others

Week 6: Telling the Truth

Week 14: Ask, Seek Knock

Week 7: Non-relation

Week 15: Entering the Kingdom of God

Week 8: Actual Love

Week 16: The Two Foundations